The brief – design and develop a new museum and temporary gallery experience that enables significant treasures and stories to be told, enhancing the Waitangi experience for both national and international visitors.
We provided – spatial design | graphic design | content development | production & installation | delivery management
Ko Waitangi Tēnei | This is Waitangi is a museum exhibition that focuses on the place of Waitangi in the history of New Zealand and on the relationship between Rangatira Māori and the British Crown. This multi-sensory experience provides a platform for visitors to appreciate the significance of this place and the stories that are told.
Throughout the exhibition, displays are object rich, with large images and digital media presented in a multi-layered approach that caters to all audiences. On leaving, thought-provoking quotes challenge visitors to consider the place of Waitangi in their own lives – you are now part of Waitangi, Waitangi is part of you.
The temporary gallery on the upper floor provides a flexible white wall gallery for temporary exhibition installation. We designed and produced all of the public seating and furniture throughout the building.